Sunday 8 January 2012

Tundra Bean Geese on Lytham Moss, Lancashire

January 8, 2011: Several small flocks of Tundra Bean Geese have been reported at various places in the north-west of England over recent weeks and for them to be present here in such numbers is quite unusual. One small flock of five birds had been seen on stubble fields at Lytham Moss for almost a week now and so today's task was to attempt to locate them. The Moss is a large area of flat agricultural land, much of it waterlogged at this time of year, and not always readily accessible by road in the remoter parts.

A search for these birds in heavy drizzle and poor light took quite a while but they were eventually located on wet stubble surprisingly close to a major road, although the birds themselves were well concealed from the passing traffic by a large hedge. There were five Bean Geese in the group and as they fed amongst the short residual growth, their bright orange legs were clearly evident. A sixth bird had attached it to the group but this had a very much paler back than the others and when a clearer view was finally obtained the bright pink legs of this Pink-footed Goose contrasted strongly with the orange legs of the five Beans'.

[Pink-footed beween the two Bean Geese]

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